Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Running for a Cause

His name is Lamine and he was a daily sight when walking around my village in Senegal, West Africa. He didn't go to school, but he sat in front of his house everyday, waving and watching the children as they left and then returned from their studies. Lamine was in a wheel chair. It was made form bike parts and a plastic lawn-style chair. I dont know why Lamine did not have the use of  his legs, but I do know that he was one of the happiest little boys I knew. The other children didnt seem to mind nor make fun of him, but I always wished there was more I could do for him. Part of the reason he could not go to school was mere access; there were no ramps to the school buildings in my town and pushing his wheelchair through the sand to and from school would have a physical hardship not only for Lamine, but also for his friends or family. So Lamine sat, day-in and day-out.

Lamine lived as many Senegalese people did who suffered from a handicap. These wheelchairs were common to see around the cities. They were made from left-over bike parts and any chair that could be found. May times they would have the peddles configured so that they could be peddled by the hands. It is efficient, but they would often break or malfunction.

Now living on the other side of the globe, I am training for my first ever 1/2 marathon in Huntington Beach, CA. The Surf City Marathon will prove to push my physical and mental limits, but I look forward to this challenge. As I was signing up for the race, I came across the organization Run For Mobility. As I read their mission and cause, Lamine's face popped into my head. Run For Mobility works with the Free Wheelchair Mission to raise money to send adequate wheelchairs all over the world. I could not resist getting involved with such a worthy cause and continue to help anyone I can in any way I can. It takes $71.88 to send a wheelchair to another country, meaning one more person can increase their mobility and therefore increase their opportunity.

If you are able, I ask that you help support me in my race training AND support Run for Mobility/Free Wheelchair Mission by going to this website! CLICK HERE I appreciate anything you can offer!

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